Psalm 16


“I will keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8

Perhaps you remember when you were learning how to swim or maybe more recently you were helping a child learn how to swim. Some kids take to water like little fish, while others are terrified. The scene plays out, a parent, standing a few feet away in the pool, encourages a child to jump in, assuring that they will catch them. The child hesitates; but then focuses on their parent's face, full of love and assurance. With their eyes fixed on their parent, the child jumps in and is safely caught. This simple yet profound moment demonstrates how when we keep our eyes on the Lord we will not be shaken. When we focus on His presence and promises, we can take those steps or even leaps of faith knowing He will be there to catch us.

What area in your life are you needing this reminder for? Thank God for this reminder, keep your eyes on Him and take that leap!