John 16:7-15

When looking back in history, there have been supernatural events that have kept humanity from self-destructing. These miraculous events have pointed the world to the one who brings salvation, life, and purpose. We celebrate these events on Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Ascension Day.

As Christians, we understand the importance of Jesus’ birth, the cross, and the power of Christ’s resurrection. But what about Jesus’ ascension into heaven? Where is the importance of that?

When Jesus returned to His Father in heaven, it affected everyone. This is because when He returned home, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit that would fill the hearts of believers. The Holy Spirit draws people to Himself. The Holy Spirit is a helper and teacher to those who know Him and have surrendered their lives to Him.

If Jesus remained on this earth following His resurrection, His continuing ministry would have been limited. He would not have accomplished what He is doing through the Holy Spirit.

Ascension Day reminds us that our exalted Lord continues His ministry for us and through us. It also reminds us that through the power of the Holy Spirit, those who don’t know Jesus are being drawn to Him and having their lives transformed.