James 4:1-2

1 What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? 2 You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.

James 4:1-2

Conflict is an inevitable part of our human experience. We are reminded in this scripture that the source of our quarrels stems from the desires that battle inside of us. It's easy to blame outside circumstances or other people for the tension in our relationships, but we must first look at what is going on inside of ourselves. Selfish ambition, unmet desires, and our appetite for anger create a divide that disrupts our peace. Acknowledging our role in conflict is the first step to healing and resolution.

It is good to take time to reflect on how our desires can lead us to conflict. Are they rooted in pride or self-interest? Recognizing these patterns allows us to address the heart of the issue and pursue a path of peace guided by God’s grace.

• What recent conflict can you identify that stemmed from your desires?

• In what ways have you blamed others for conflicts instead of examining your motivations?

• How can you invite God into your conflicts to seek resolution?

Pray for insight into your heart and motivations during any conflicts you are facing. Ask God to reveal areas where you may be contributing to relational strife and invite Him to help you through it.