Colossians 3:1-17

Have you ever started a task only to be sidetracked by distraction? Maybe you started a meal, but then someone called you and that pot on the stove or pan in the oven was forgotten until you heard the smoke detector alert you. Or maybe you started that important message that needed to be sent, and were definitely going to finish it right after you grabbed a quick coffee, but on the way back you just quickly went to grab that printing, and… well, it never got sent. It happens, we get off track and we miss important things.

It happens sometimes in our faith walks too. We have good intentions, but we get distracted and we miss out on the things that are most important. God meets us there and draws us back towards His ways, because He loves us so much He wants what is best for us.

Spend some time in prayer today asking God to reveal any areas in your life that you have drifted away from His perfect way. Ask for forgiveness and for Him to help you as you refocus your faith walk.